Abhishek Pavani
Structure from Motion
Neural Radiance Fields
Neural Surfaces
Epipolar Geometry
Point Cloud Classifcation and Segmentation
Single View 3D Reconstruction
Image Rectification
Recover Camera Pose from Rotation Dominant Motion
Planar Homography
Photometric Stereo
3D Learning basics with Pytorch3d
Image Registration
Defect Identification in Wind Turbines
Semantic segmentation of high resolution aerial imagery
Understanding and dispensing ingredients for smart robotic cooking
Lego Kitting
Design of Fixed wing UAV for package delivery
Design of e-VTOL UAV with enhanced flight times
Single View 3D reconstruction using neural networks
A study on empathy towards robots and its relation to anthropomorphism and robot familiarity
Real Time Controllable Motion Transition for Characters
GANs and Diffusion Model
Gradient Domain Fusion
Neural Style Transfer
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